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Essay against death penalty

Essay against death penalty

The death penalty should make people think before doing a crime but it is just the opposite. This essay against death penalty, therefore, evaluates the debates in favour of and against capital punishment and presents a coherent and logical debate in favour of death punishment. Hire writer. Search For Search. Edit my Essay.

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Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Human civilization has always thrived on the foundations of law and order, and whenever the law is broken, there are remedies that have been prescribed, essay against death penalty. While the remedies prescribed by the law vary according to the severity of a crime or unlawful act, the death penalty is observed as the epitome of the power of corporal punishment, its use is barbaric and should be abolished from society because of its 1 high financial cost to tax payer, 2 inhumanity and 3 ineffectiveness to deter crime.

While the death penalty may appear as a cheap alternative to deterring crime and remedying wrongs that are committed to society, it is actually a essay against death penalty corporal punishment to the taxpayer, essay against death penalty. Some of essay against death penalty most significant costs stem from the lengthy delays, appeals, retrials and technicalities that are associated with potential death penalty cases. Humanity is founded on the very concept of respecting life Mandery, However, this argument trivializes the essence of humanity. Humanity goes beyond mere effect-cause relationships in the universe. The death penalty is arguably an effective technique to deter crime. Most individuals committing crimes that deserve the death penalty are usually rational when committing such crimes.

While his argument on the use of the penalty to stop criminals from killing is valid, this argument is characterized by a fallacy of false dilemma. There is another more effective alternative, life imprisonment. In conclusion, the death penalty is an ancient and barbaric punishment that should be abolished. It is considerably costly to the taxpayer owing to the extensive procedures and process involved. The death penalty is largely ineffective in deterring crime. Mandery, E. Capital Punishment in America: A Balanced Examination. Mencken, H, essay against death penalty. The Penalty of Death. Bostian, The Purposeful Argument: A Practical Guide pp. Stiglitz, J. New York: Columbia University Press. The Cherokee and Their Native Land, Essay Example.

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Get a Free E-Book! Against the Death Penalty, Essay Example. Pages: 2 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you? HIRE A WRITER! Cost to the Taxpayer While the death penalty may appear as a cheap alternative to deterring crime and remedying wrongs that are committed to society, it is actually a costly corporal punishment to the taxpayer. Ineffectiveness to Deter Crime The death penalty is arguably an effective technique to deter crime. Works Cited Mandery, E. Stuck with your Essay? Get in touch with one of essay against death penalty experts for instant help! Messenger Live chat.

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Individuals who believe it is morally right to put an individual to death over a horrendous crime support the retentionist argument for the death penalty. Individuals who believe it is morally wrong to kill an individual, despite the crime committed are in support of the abolitionist argument of the death penalty. In the United States, there are thirty-one states in support of the death penalty and remaining nineteen states are against the death penalty law. As the death penalty can be a controversial topic is it important to consider all possible factors. The best approach to the death penalty is the principle of human dignity. The principle of human dignity is an argument in abolishing the death penalty. The principle of human dignity presents an argument that gives all individuals equal rights regardless of decisions made in a criminal act.

The principle of human dignity is an argument that a human being, in virtue of just being a human or person has intrinsic worth. This argument means that a human being is a human being and should always be treated as one. No matter the crime committed, one does not forfeit their right to life even if they have taken one. This argument in abolishing the death penalty can agree with tortures should not be tortured, drunk drivers not being hit with a vehicle, and individuals who are accused of arson should not be set on fire. The consequences for those crimes are excessive; the same thing occurs when in regards of the death penalty.

When placing the idea of an eye for an eye on various crimes is seems extreme and unnecessary. A life for a life is excessive. Criminals do forfeit some rights to life, but not all rights to life. Punishments will happen for individuals committing these crimes, but there are punishments that fit the crimes being committed. For example, life in prison with no possibility of parole fits the punishment of first degree murder. The principle of human dignity directly goes directly against the element of reciprocity. The element of reciprocity explains that we can forfeit our rights by our own actions. The human dignity argument has the idea that human dignity should always be reserved.

Human rights are given to an individual when born should be modified when committing crimes but never forfeited. Individuals should never lose their respect for human dignity. Good or bad actions, all humans have emotions and can feel pain; at somewhat the same level. Individuals who do not agree with the principle of human dignity are in support of the death penalty. There are many factors that morality support the death penalty. Supports are in favor of taking the life of someone who committed a horrendous crime; a life for a life. Individuals who do not agree with the human dignity argument may attempt to argue that the death penalty is an effective consequence because it deters other criminals from committing the crimes.

Continuing, it may be argued that the death penalty can show society its moral outrage at unpleasant crimes. Resulting in a decrease in the crime rates. Statistics show that the poor and minorities are more likely to receive the death penalty. Once again, this is a separate issue. However, this is yet another problem with our current court system. The racial and economic bias is not a valid argument against the death penalty. It is an argument against the courts and their unfair system of sentencing. The third argument is actually a rebuttal to a claim made by some supporters of the death penalty. The claim is that the threat of capital punishment reduces violent crimes. The fourth argument is that the length of stay on death row, with its endless appeals, delays, technicalities, and retrials, keep a person waiting for death for years on end.

It is both cruel and costly. This is the least credible argument against capital punishment. The main cause of such inefficiencies is the appeals process, which allows capital cases to bounce back and forth between state and federal courts for years on end. If supporting a death row inmate for the rest their life costs less than putting them to death, and ending their financial burden on society, then the problem lies in the court system, not in the death penalty. As for the additional argument, that making a prisoner wait for years to be executed is cruel, then would not waiting for death in prison for the rest of your life be just as cruel, as in the case of life imprisonment without parole.

Many Americans will tell you why they are in favor of the death penalty. It is what they deserve. It prevents them from ever murdering again. It removes the burden from taxpayers. We all live in a society with the same basic rights and guarantees. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with equal opportunities. This is the basis of our society. It is the foundation on which everything else is built upon. When someone willfully and flagrantly attacks this foundation by murdering another, robbing them of all they are, and all they will ever be, then that person can no longer be a part of this society.

The only method that completely separates cold blooded murderers from our society is the death penalty. As the 20th century comes to a close, it is evident that our justice system is in need of reform. This reform will shape the future of our country, and we cannot jump to quick solutions such as the elimination of the death penalty. As of now, the majority of American supports the death penalty as an effective solution of punishment. Why not execute them and save society the cost of their keep? However, it seems obvious to some Americans that the death penalty is a just and proper way to handle convicted murderers. Firstly, many people see the death penalty as an ultimate warning to the criminals.

It lets them know that the consequence of committing a crime is death. But the point is; does it actually work according to their expectations? Again, what is the main reason for the death penalty? In our entire life, while growing up, we have all made several silly mistakes. One does not realize that such action is a big mistake and has undergone the death penalty. Basing on my research, I understand that most of the people commit different crimes due to their ignorance and aggressiveness. However, this does not necessarily mean that they cannot be pardoned and granted another opportunity to be a good individual. But if we sentence them to death then how should they possibly learn from their mistakes?

Death can never be a solution to everything criminal. Secondly, the fact that the death penalty is an end for the victim is very true. Most people believe that through execution of the criminals from the society, they can find comfort and relief. According to my view, I think that relief and comfort remain in the mid of the people temporarily. However, killing does not put an end to the crimes. There are various ways of executing criminals such as hanging, lethal injection, gas chamber, or electrocution. But watching an individual being sentenced to death is very scary. So by killing the criminals, we are sending a wrong signal to other individuals and children that killing is allowable.

Thirdly, other people believe that the death penalty is not often a cruel and violent act. For instance, the lethal injection method is not a violent way of executing criminals. It is more likely for the criminal to put up with less pain, unlike the electric chair execution. As a matter of fact, considering such a process means every second and minute is very terrible and long. Only fear of death and lack of freedom is enough to ruin their mental defenses. Other extreme methods seem much worse, for instance, burning and hanging method.

To make it worse, we now have the method electric chair and the firing squad. I think that by persuading and educating people to avoid committing a crime is a better way. In the end, it can enhance the development of the nation and promote security among the citizens. The above reasons are my major arguments against the death penalty. In general, the death penalty can never be a good lesson to the criminals. Furthermore, for the civilians, it is an extremely inhuman and a cruel way of punishing crimes. For the government, it is one cumbersome result. I, therefore, think that it is relatively reasonable to support our country to avoid adopting the death penalty act.

This is because it is the most severe way of punishing criminals. It is true that the death penalty can destroy or ruin everything including the nation and the life of citizens. Due to this, I hope society and the government can expel this kind of punishment. There are various arguments against the death penalty that encouraged me to draft the persuasive essay against the death penalty. For instance; the case whereby the judge gives a death sentence to someone who is innocent. Executing an honest and innocent individual is morally a wrong act. Therefore, this is something we cannot risk to take at all cost since passing a death sentence is extremely costly.

The amount of cost which is usually spent during the prosecution and defense process could otherwise be useful development projects. At the same time, the friends and families of the death sentence victim go through severe loss and trauma. It is almost impossible to minimize such kind of suffering. At times, the death sentence can be passed to people who are mentally ill. They are thus unable to take action in the trials in a proper way. Due to this, the mentally ill individuals tend to look cold, less engaged, and even useless before the judge. Under any circumstances, I can never agree with the judge or court to pass a death sentence to an individual.

This is why I clearly consider capital punishment as a disregarding and an unjust act. The death penalty does not make a meaningful and comprehensible sense. It is the same as killing an individual for the murder of someone else. Therefore, according to me, it is nothing less than revenge. I thus consider capital punishment as disregarding and an unjust act. The core purpose of the judiciary is to end crime and not the people. Ending the lives of individuals has never been and can never be a solution to any crime.

The past death penalties passed to various victims have not restrained the rate of crime. Once you destroy the life of an individual, then you no longer have the human rights. Most minority communities and the poor people are the common death penalty victims. The truth is, most individuals see the death sentence act as disregarding and very unjust hence the persuasive essay against the death penalty. Putting an end to the capital punishment makes prison a good functioning place as the rehabilitation center. Therefore, the victims of murder and various crimes can go to the prisons so as to rehabilitate. Eventually, they are more likely to change their bad behaviors.

Other people have the tendency of committing a crime. They do this so as to go to prison since there is the availability of shelter and food. However, the capital punishment scares them and unlikely to commit a crime due to the fear of ending up in prison or death penalty. Basing on my own research for the alternative to the death penalty, I find it more interesting to craft a persuasive essay against the death penalty. The cheap reliable essay writing service by My Homework Writers can save you from the challenges of tough essays. Our services are readily available to every student across the globe. What makes us the best professional writers is the fact that we deliver high-quality work.

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